
Showing posts from 2019

Glade Valley Mill: History and Paranormal

The Glade Valley Mill Built in the 1850's the Glade Valley Mill in Woodsboro, Maryland has had a varied and interesting past. For me the Mill was a back drop to my married life always sitting next to my husbands grandparents home like a stately old dame, albeit lost and forlorn. From the time I had first laid eyes on the old building to the time that my brother in law purchased it in 2014, I had always wondering if people still walked the halls. Did they still go through their routines as if nothing were amiss? Originally the Glade Valley Mill was originally located in Troutville in the Legore Bridge Road area. The then flour mill was owned by Daniel Saylor. In the 1890's the structure was moved to Woodsboro by the new owner Anderson Etzler, now known as the Etzler Mill. The Glade Valley Milling Co. took over in 1904. It fascinates me endlessly to hear of these old structures moved today I cannot imagine the fascination of moving such a building in the 1890's. This m...

10 Paranormal Books for Beginners

In the beginning we only have what others have experienced or learned to guide us or to formulate a game plan on how we want to approach any subject. People like Nikola Tesla began like any other, learning about electricity and mechanical engineering from those who came before him until his capacity for knowledge of what was known to be fact was full, he began to push the facts further to understand and create more. In much the same way each of us as paranormal investigators need to learn what has been understood and achieved before we came to the table so that we attempt to integrate new and creative formulas for understanding the paranormal. While there are many subjects that comprise the paranormal; in this particular blog I am keeping to books that discuss mostly ghosts, spirits, and hauntings. Each text is good for the beginner and the seasoned investigator.  The following information includes my perception of the texts included and should in no way invalidate any conclus...

The Mystery of the Horse and Wagon at Antietam

Nestled in the hills and valleys of Washington County, Maryland is small picturesque town called Sharpsburg. This historical town was the site of the bloodiest day of the Civil War, the Battle of Antietam. On this day; September 17, 1862; 22,717 were counted dead, wounded or missing. Walking through the fields and monuments of the Antietam National Battlefield today, you can't help but feel the sadness and pain that etched the landscape so many years ago even while admiring the peace and beauty that now envelopes the ghosts of all who fought on that battlefield. I enjoy walking and photographing the beauty of the battlefield, especially Burnside's Bridge which is just south of the visitors center. I will admit I am not much of a Civil War buff so I could never take anyone on a tour of the battlefield with any success of imparting detailed information about the advancements of Union or Confederate troops, but I enjoy it just the same. My interest in the battlefield took an ...