Code of Ethics and Protocols For the Paranormal Investigator and Researcher
A paranormal investigator’s
(the “researcher”) goal is to obtain objective and detailed data to support or
invalidate paranormal phenomena. Researcher’s maintain that the process of
cases involving paranormal phenomena include personal property, historic
significance, religious interests, opposing opinion, and public image. In
reaching the goal of objective and detailed data the researcher has certain
obligations to the client, the paranormal research community, their team, and
their own individual character. The researcher should consider their work to
include other avenues outside the paranormal case which include; education,
community outreach/ service, continuing education, and public inclusion. The
following Code of Ethics outlines the principles and protocols researcher should
maintain; during the paranormal case, in social settings, and beyond. These
principles include integrity, respect, responsibility, honesty, compassion, altruism,
teamwork, confidentiality, wisdom, reliability, transparency, commitment, and
1. The researcher will maintain
the highest standards in all aspects of paranormal research including but not
limited to the process of documentation, data collection, observation, analyzation,
research, and education.
2. The researcher will maintain
a respect for the research process, the history, the unknown, clients, associates,
peers, locations, and the diverse views within the paranormal research field.
3. The researcher will be a proponent
for the preservation of history and paranormal research; while understanding
and accepting the differences of opinion or approach.
4. The researcher will pursue
continued education into new ideas, techniques, equipment, and data; by
actively participating in field research, networking, discussion, and other
media consumption.
5. The researcher will only
practice within the scope of their educational, professional and personal
6. The researcher will maintain an objective and
critical thinking process when documenting, observing, and validating potential
paranormal phenomena.
7. The researcher will maintain a high standard
for their approach to every case of paranormal research or investigation
regardless of equipment, resources, variables, or conditions so that the
quality of the results and involved parties are not compromised.
8. The researcher will utilize techniques,
equipment, and approaches that do not adversely affect; the reliability of results,
the history, the unknown, the researcher/team, the client/ associates, the
location, or the reputation of the parties involved.
9. The researcher will document,
observe, investigate, validate, debunk, and analyze all aspects of the
paranormal case.
10. The researcher will preserve
and protect property that is part of the paranormal case with appropriate
permissions and respect.
11. The researcher will be
honest and respectful in all interactions with their team, peers, colleagues,
clients, and the public. They will also seek to support opportunities to educate
others and recognize those who have knowledge in concentrated topics.
12. The researcher will actively contribute to the
positive development of paranormal research by sharing individual knowledge,
forming new theories, testing equipment, adapting methodologies, and educating others.
13. The researcher will operate
in a way that is safe which will protect themselves and others from any hazards
that may cause injury and/or legal ramifications.
CONDUCT: It is the personal
responsibility of the Researcher to adhere to the code of ethics. The researcher
recognizes certain situations may alter professional liability.
maintains strict confidentiality of all information unless permissions or
requests have been given for disclosure of information. All details of confidentiality
should be discussed thoroughly and documents should be drawn for any disclosure
DISCLOSURE: It is the responsibility
of the Researcher to disclose any details of structure, guidelines, rules,
requests, liability, confidentiality, etc. with their client and/ or
associates. This can include but is not limited to protocols or structure for
the interview, walk through, investigation, review, case conclusion, outside
consultation, or public sharing of case details. The Researcher should disclose
the potential of increased or decreased paranormal activity as well as stating
the chances of communication or interaction with the supposed entities.
responsibility of the Researcher to gain permission to enter any property from
the owner or legal representative. Furthermore, permissions should be gain for access
to any areas of the property before entering. The Researcher should have clear
permissions for access as a precedent.
Researcher should always follow the laws and regulations put forth for any
given organization, government, area, city, county, state, or country.
should maintain a clear line of communication and transparency with their
clients, associates, peers, and colleagues unless information is confidential.
All decisions, agreements, or conclusions should be shared and communicated.
is responsible for any other researcher that is practicing under the umbrella
of their name. All tasks should be designated to individuals that also adhere
to the Code of Ethics and support the protocols put forth by their supervising
researcher. Researchers should have a clean criminal record and should disclose
any information that could adversely affect them, their supervising Researcher,
the client, associates, or peers.
EDUCATION: The Researcher will
use their knowledge and resources to educate others in a constructive and
positive way, especially those who are under their mentorship or within their
research team.
METHODOLOGY: The Researcher
should always follow a high standard in their approach to paranormal research
for safety, security, liability, quality, honesty, and professionalism; regardless
of the goals of the client or self.
should document all aspects of the paranormal case and create a detail case
file. Interviews should have a perfunctory questionnaire with follow up
questions for clear, reliable eye-witness accounts and details about the
location/ client. A recorded walk through should be done prior to an
investigation with pictures, interviews, notes, and planning in mind. Notes of
any safety hazards, no-access, or limitations should be made. The Researcher
should have detailed plans, delegation, equipment checklists, and forms created
prior to the investigation with location details for safety. These plans should
not limit the creative technique or methodologies, but should create structure
for the location and those involved. Historical research and geological
information should be obtained to validate client claims and for information to
help in the investigation process. Investigations should be documented fully
with audio, video, baselines, conditions, variables, and team movement. Data
review should be carefully observed and analyzed with attempts to debunk and
validate. All of this information and documentation should be carefully
organized for future reference and resource.
VALIDATION: The Researcher will
use critical thinking skills and an objective approach in the attempt to find
natural explanations for any potential paranormal event that is documented or
experienced. It is generally accepted that repeat experiments, investigation,
and observation may be needed to form a final conclusion. If there is doubt of the
legitimacy of a claim, the data is found to be false or fraudulent, or a
logical explanation is found; the Researcher will make detailed notes of the
information. They will utilize the supporting evidence that refutes the claim
and will state that it was debunked. The Researcher understands that it is important
to make sure that natural events are not being misinterpreted as paranormal.
Researcher should not use any equipment or techniques that could adversely
affect others physical, mental, or emotional well being. The Researcher should have an understanding of
the equipment used in the research process; operation and potential artifacts
(false positives) prior to a formal investigation setting. The Researcher and
any associates should maintain professional boundaries when investigating paranormal
claims, to include how they operate equipment or how they approach their
investigation techniques.
The Researcher will observe, collect, analyze, validate, debunk, and review all
data before forming a conclusion for any paranormal case. Recommendations
should only be made when the Researcher has gathered adequate information to form
an educated opinion or conclusion. A plan for further investigation, research,
or resolution should be made and approved.
conclusion or recommendation is outside the scope of educational, personal, or
professional limits; the Researcher will make recommendations for the client,
associate, peer, or colleague for consultations. Outside consultants should be
vetted and trusted colleagues that are able to address the concerns of the client,
associate, peer, or colleague. These recommendations for consultation can also
include mentorships for continuing education in specific aspects of paranormal
RESOLUTION: The Researcher
understands that in taking a paranormal case they are responsible for helping
to achieve the goals of the client. The Researcher should never give any
resolution or recommendation to a client before gathering data that can support
this conclusion. The Researcher should operate with compassion and sympathy to
help alleviate any fear or concern, they should never say or form conclusions
that will adversely affect the clients well being or safety.
Researcher should actively be part of paranormal research discussion in forums,
blogs, articles, podcasts, social media, and more. They should conduct themselves
in a professional, constructive, and positive manner. The Researcher should
recognize that reputation and character can be decided by the public with these
interactions and as such can affect their future accomplishments.
should avoid situations that could be conflicts of interest. They should
maintain a professional relationship with clients, associates, peers, and
colleagues. Researchers should disclose professional relationships with other
teams or peers that may be seen as a conflict of interest or could violate a
potential compete clause.
Researcher should be aware of the appropriate behaviors on and off of a
paranormal case, for themselves and others. If inappropriate behaviors, misconduct,
or fraud is observed in another Researcher, an associate, peer, or client; the
behavior should be addressed in a professional capacity.
Any proposed changes or
amendments to the Code of Ethics or Protocols for the Paranormal Investigator and Researcher should be sent to Rebecca Boyer with Antietam Paranormal Society.
All proposed changes or amendments will be reviewed and a determination will be
made to accept or deny. You can contact Rebecca Boyer by emailing Antietam
Paranormal Society directly at
Antietam Paranormal Society
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