Spirit Attachments
I am going to start this particular blog with a bit of a warning, because this may not be your cup of tea. The opinions, thoughts, theories, and views in this blog have been developed by years of observation, experimentation, first hand accounts, and case studies. While you may not agree or even subscribe to the information within this blog, there are many that do agree and fully accept these philosophical theories. This blog is informational, however it should never replace the educated opinion of a medical professional. Please contact a medical professional if you are experiencing any mental or physical illness.
If you have been interested in the paranormal for any length of time or you have watched paranormal television you are aware of the potential of spirit attachment. If you have seen one of the most popular and probably controversial paranormal television shows, you'd know that lead investigator is always getting possessed. But what if I told you that through the years I have seen several investigators exhibit similar symptoms of what we classify as spirit attachment? But really how is it possible?
Each living being has what we call an aura. The aura is an energy field that sits out from the physical body that reflects your emotional, mental, and physical bodies or health. (Read more about Auras here.) If someone "reads you" they are probably tapping into this energy field and by tapping into your energy field, they are creating an energy cord with your aura. Have you ever had a connection with a loved one that transcended time and space? You could feel them even thousands of miles away? You probably have an energy cord with that person and as such you can sense their emotional, mental, or physical energy. This is similar to individuals sensing a loved ones death or even an illness. These cords can also be created between yourself and spirits, or entities.
So we have established that spirits or entities can create energy cords, thus creating an attachment, but who else can? One of the newest studies our team has started is of the Tulpa or the thoughtform. Both of these "entities" are manifestations of emotions and/ or mental energy from a living being, which in most cases are just unresolved issues. These manifestations like the Poltergeist, have a living agent, however over time these entities can become an intelligent incorporeal beings. These entities can form attachments to the living agent or other associated individuals within the living agent's life. I personally do not believe in demonic entities or hauntings; but do believe that poltergeists, tulpas, and nasty spirits do exist and appear similar in "symptom".
What creates the opportunity for them to attach? I am sure you have heard that fear is something that spirits feed off of and they would be right. In most cases spirits or entities will have the opportunity to create these cords when you are open or vulnerable. Whether you are afraid, angry, sad, or another low vibrational energy; if their purpose is to hitchhike they will exploit those vulnerabilities. On the flip side if you are investigating or ghost hunting, your purpose is to connect with spirits or entities. By connecting to these spirits or entities, you are creating an energy cord with them. This connection if not shielded or severed, can lead to the spirit attaching to your energy or aura.
Why do they want to attach to me or others in the first place? There can be many reasons I am sure that they attach. Who knows one day we may find we are like that book by Stephenie Meyer book "The Host" where souls attach to bodies and it can be a competition, which is scary. But in our experience, some spirits attach because they need a way out of their location and the only way to do it is with an energy cord. I haven't shared my full theories with energy cords and spirits but I will someday... Anyways. The spirits may like your energy, your energy resonates with theirs. They may attach unknowingly, you may be the reason they follow you and not the other way around. They may attach and not realize it. We know that many spirits or entities are intelligent, but unless we know who they are we wouldn't know the why.
How would I know if I have an attachment? Some people don't know until they meet a psychic medium or they experience the same spirit wherever they go. I once met a guy that seemed to pick up spirits wherever he went and as such he experienced some of these not so great entities everywhere he went. This is not an invitation to grab a spirit so you have activity everywhere, spirits can destroy your life. The beginning of attachments in a lot of cases start at the root chakra, heart chakra, or solar plexus chakra. This is why a lot of people feel pain in their back, chest, or feel sick to their stomach. I always advise if you start feeling this way, leave the investigation. Once they get in you may have symptoms like depression, anxiety, sadness, anger, hatred, darkened aura, mood swings, negative law of attraction, lack of energy, inability to focus, and just a general alteration of your energy field. As I mentioned in the beginning, you may not know until it's too late.
How can I prevent an attachment? I will start by saying no matter what you do, if you are not 100% with your intention or you don't do the work to be protected, nothing is going to work. There are a few methods you can use to protect yourself:
- Crystals: You can carry black tourmaline, hematite, and other protective stones with you. Make sure that you support the intention you want them to carry and enforce.
- Talisman: You can wear a cross, a medallion, a symbol of your spirituality, or something that resonates with your beliefs. Again, you have to make sure that you support the intention you want them to carry or enforce. Whether you pray, say a few words with conviction, or you visualize the protection you need, it is imperative that you are 100% believe those intentions.
- Shielding: Shielding is a visualization method that you can develop just like a muscle. I recommend doing a few meditation exercises that will help you develop a shielding technique. Many people visualize a white or golden light swirling around them, but you can imagine any sort of thing you want that may protect your energy. Just remember, you have to shield correctly. Incorrect shielding may put off spirits, it may prevent your connecting to them (they do react to energy and if they can't sense yours at all...), or you may not have a good enough shield. Work with it and see how it feels to you.
- Ritual: Develop a ritual before, during, and after situations where you may be vulnerable to attachment. Prayer, a bible verse, or a saying that resonates can work wonders.
What if I already have an attachment? The best choice is to return to where you got that attachment and do some cord cutting. That energetic cord they have between themselves and your aura is how they are hitchhiking. There are meditations for cord cutting, but you also have the option of finding someone that will help with the attachment. I find however if your intentions and your energy isn't put towards cutting those cords, no one else is going to be able to help you. Sometimes these attachments can be absorbed by the talismans or crystals, which would need to be cleansed afterwards or even buried.
I will circle back to the first statements I made in this blog, this may not be everyone's cup of tea. Not everyone believes in these philosophical methodologies, but as they say placebo's work so why wouldn't the power of intention? Additionally most of our information about spirits or entities are observational, as such we have many personal accounts of these methodologies working. Protecting yourself is important. If you do somehow get an spirit attachment, work hard to get rid of it as soon as you can (before you leave the location if possible). We recently had an investigator have an attachment almost like an octopus on his back all night at a very dark location. He was a completely different person all night, but he was able to recognize what it was and worked to cut the connection before we finished for the night. But again.... This blog is informational, however it should never replace the educated opinion of a medical professional. Please contact a medical professional if you are experiencing any mental or physical illness.
Rebecca Boyer
Co-Founder/ Case Manager
Antietam Paranormal Society
Very nice and helpful thank you for the info