
Showing posts from 2021

Ghost Hunter vs Paranormal Investigator: Is there a difference?

  A lot of things in the paranormal community come down to semantics. While words have definitions, there are also perceptions of words that may not really fit their definition at all. One of the most talked about "term wars" is ghost hunters vs paranormal investigators. I personally believe there is a difference. Each person is involved in the paranormal for one reason or another and it doesn't necessarily involve work on the individuals part to ascertain any critical thinking or deep theoretical discussion. It just comes down to having fun and relaying experiences. So here is my perception of the terms... Ghost Hunter- A ghost hunter has already made his mind up. When he arrives at a location his main objective is to experience the paranormal. Like a hunter, he uses his various tools to draw in the prey and hopes to have interaction with the tools he brought. In most cases a ghost hunter won't require documenting phenomena or experiences that aren't "pa...