BOOK REVIEW- The Paranormal: A Scientific Exploration of the Supernatural by Arthur Ellison
The first publication of this tome written by Arthur Ellison is dated 1988 and as such definitely doesn't include the pseudo-scientific equipment or hazy scientific method that many current authors include. It is a clear cut description of experiments, definitions, experiences, and hypothesis.
Arthur Ellison could be coined as a pioneer in paranormal (psychical) research, as he was the President and Vice President of the British Society for Psychical Research for several years. The inside cover says it best "Through hypnosis, meditation, and psychic development, the author has over the years probed his subjects' unconscious minds, as well as his own, and has examined many people's experiences with mediums and mystics. Guided by the criterion that facts come first, scientific theory second, Ellison investigates numerous extraordinary occurrences and experiments to see what may be learned from them."* After reading the book I did a little research on Arthur Ellison on the web. He went on to write more books and articles about the Paranormal and also spoke about the topic in various locations around the world. Although he passed in 2000, I can't help but wonder what he would think of the explosion of paranormal researchers today.
Onto the reading and my view. The text gives ample descriptions of each subject matter; apparitions, clairvoyants, seances, psychokinesis, OBEs, reincarnation, auras, and healers. Each subject is then supported by individual stories and experiences. The author attempts to bring current science into the discussion when he is explaining the possibilities of how individuals are experiencing the phenomenon's and then goes on to utilize the scientific method to determine the success of individuals abilities with well thought out experiments. The experiments that they utilize could potentially help those of us in the paranormal field create successful experiments with today's technology, and it even goes on to tell you how to create your own experiments (which could be enhanced knowing how much technology has advanced since 1988.) Mr. Ellison also included small blurbs about his questions which in some cases he had no answer for, and his view on the experiments and topics.
All in all the text is very informative and decisive. It gives you a clear cut understanding of all the subject matter even if the execution is very dry and forthright. I did at first have an issue understanding when they utilized the name "George" frequently I didn't know of whom they were speaking. I quickly understood that "George" in all it's forms was in fact their 'hypothetical'. It could be a spirit guide, the psychic, the hypnotized, etc. I am very fascinated by the fact that most of the subject matter was geared towards psychic abilities and not necessarily towards paranormal subjects like apparitions, shadow figures, EVPs, etc. It really gives you a IN THE BOX view of a laboratory experiment one might see when scientists get a hold of an individual with psychic abilities. On a side note it has several small quizzes to determine if you have psychic abilities or variations of the subjects within each chapter.
In the end I definitely recommend this book. While it may take some serious time getting into the style of writing, the subject matter is extremely valuable to anyone that is serious about paranormal research (and I mean research not just investigating). Recently I discussed the topic of how many researchers are lost in the arc of equipment, rather than documenting all variables within the investigation, we have given up on one of our most valuable resources. Ourselves. Reviving the technique and dedication that the great psychical researchers put forth would probably turn this field of study around.
*Text taken directly from the inside sleeve of the book.
For more information on Arthur Ellison...
Antietam Paranormal Society
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