BOOK REVIEW: Reaching Beyond The Veil by April Slaughter
She goes on to share her experiences as a child and the formulation of her fascination with ghosts and the paranormal. Reading her words of fear and being misunderstood is a familiar story that many share from childhood that have experienced paranormal phenomena. She continues the book keeping to the timeline of her life and paranormal experiences, which keep you interested all the way through. She discusses her experience with EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), ITC (Instrumental Trans-Communication), IADC (Induced After Death Communication), Frank's Box, the Amplifier Tone Probe, and even psychics. Her thoughts and opinions on each are valuable contributions to the paranormal field and I recommend anyone that is interested in these topics to hear her case studies and field research. Sometimes when I was reading her words, I felt like she was in my own brain; so alike are our viewpoints.
During my reading of the book, I received guidance from spirit about paying attention to messages. The message was--A lot of the times messages you receive are subjective but they are usually meant just for you. Six hours later I read this in April's book "When reaching beyond the veil, and those on the other side reach back, remember... some messages are meant just for you." The synchronicities of the book and the messages I have received in the days following show me a new direction and path for my own journey in the paranormal field. Her desire to learn everything that interested her first hand and to share the knowledge is inspiring. I think April's book opens new avenues for all of us and teaches us to have more grace. Whether she meant for her story to help open others eyes, to educate each of us on things she spent valuable time learning, or just because she needed to tell it; this book was all the things.
I highly recommend reading April's book whether you are a serious researcher or just an enthusiast. The book may have only been 160 pages but it was packed full of inspiring content.
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