BOOK REVIEW: Ghosts and Poltergeists by Frank Smyth

As usual I found this used book at my favorite place, Wonder Book and Video.  I don't usually purchase books that are part of a collection but this one had some interesting information on the first page I turned to and I was hooked. Published by Doubleday and Company, Inc and as part of "A New Library of the Supernatural" that is comprised of 20 books on various topics like "Visitors From Outer Space" and "Spirits and Spirit Worlds". Be aware that this book has A LOT OF PICTURES and they are amazing! I especially want to note that the Editorial Consultants are Colin Wilson and Dr. Christopher Evans, which tells me they had an excellent collaborative team to create this particular book. 

The chapters of the book are comprised of history, types of apparitions, haunted places, "unhuman" ghosts, legends and folklore, poltergeists, investigating, and explanations. As an avid paranormal reader I will have to say some of the best books regarding the paranormal were written in the 1960s to the 1970s, this particular book was written in 1976. Each chapter is full of descriptive cases of paranormal phenomena that correlates to the chapter titles. I enjoy when these cases are interspersed with small bits of researcher input like the description of "crisis apparitions" in the first chapter. 

While most of the stories and cases of paranormal phenomena named in this book revolve around the UK, there are a few mentions of cases on the high seas and in the United States. Mentions are made of Borley Rectory and Harry Price with fantastic details from various authors of books about psychical research. One of my favorite aspects of older books is the mention of researchers and the varied possibilities of each view, it also allows me to go down the rabbit hole of each view by purchasing the mentioned author and book. I am an avid book collector....

All in all this particular book isn't a comprehensive or detailed analysis of paranormal phenomena but it does make an excellent addition to anyone's collection. If you are interested in easy to read stories of paranormal phenomena and detailed pictures associated with each case or topic, this one is for you!

Rebecca Boyer
Antietam Paranormal Society


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