Spirit Portals

While I have experienced a few cases that I would label as having a portal, I don't have a lot of data that really supports these conclusions. This is where my frequent mention of making sure to have high standards and protocols when investigating paranormal cases is VERY important. A lot of our conclusions may be based on intuition or instincts but also on looking at all the facts and drawing a conclusion based on the information provided. Is this proof? No, but making sure you are completely honest and document EVERYTHING in a thorough manner is how your conclusions can be more trustworthy. With that being said what is a Spirit Portal? I shared a definition earlier this morning, however Amanda Linette Meder shares that it is any person, place, or object that acts as a channel for unrelated spiritual beings to travel to and from the physical realm we know as Earth. This is the best and most well rounded definition that resonates with our findings. She also says that it is usually a natural place that draws or generates energy. Portals often have entry points like doorways, windows, mirrors, or other entryways/ reflective surfaces. Portals naturally can be present where energy is concentrated or flows, but anyone with a concentrated energy field can consciously or unconsciously open a portal. When experiencing a portal we have found that the energy swirls in a circular pattern and seems to generate the "hair-raising, goosebump" feeling when you enter the area that it exists. In many cases there are many spirits that can be present in a location due to a portal, positive or negative, it depends on the energy within the location at any given time. While we mention places such as the KOA and Odd Fellows being "like a way station" we would definitely consider them to be more of a natural portal for spirits or entities that come and go (interdimensional or multi-dimensional beings as well). Portals whether they are natural or made by a living person can become stronger at any time, especially if the center does energy work that will strengthen the portal (I would also say that increasing the discussion with spirits or calling on spirits would increase activity because you may be drawing in more rather than decreasing the flow INTO the location). Remember that anyone can influence the portal; it's strength, the type of energy (positive or negative), and its impact on those that frequently are nearby. The spirits that come and go can be interactive or some will not be interactive. Note: Vortices and portals are different. A vortex is a natural high energy point and can be a Portal. But portals are not always vortices.  So how do we go about "diagnosing" a portal? 

There are a few things to look for, based on our research: 

*Strange feelings of energy swirling in specific areas that paranormal activity is prevalent. May cause goosebumps, hair-raising feelings, heightened emotional charge, overwhelm, fatigue, feeling watched, feelings of standing on a precipice or edge, and physical ailments like headaches or dizziness.

*The location has spirits that are not attached to the location that come and go with no known attachment to the location. (This will require extensive investigation to determine.)

*The location has a person, object, or geographical center of concentrated energy. (This will take certain research regarding the location and people involved. Is anyone a SLIder? Do they effect electronics? Do they have any abilities? In most cases the living center will have some ESP or psychokinesis present. Is there a geographical landmark like a flowing waterway, cave system, fault line, ley line, religious/cultural significance, etc.? Is there an object that has religious or cultural and historic relevance?)

*The type of spirits that come through are based on the type of energy present in the location. (This is pretty common with any type of haunting as well, but can be more obvious when every spirit that you interact with aligns with the energy of the living.)

*The activity gets stronger when the original energy center or a new energy center does any type of energy work like meditation, channeling, healing, cleansing, etc. (Again this can be true for other types of hauntings, but is usually present alongside the other points noted here.)

*Documentable data: frequent fluctuations of vibrations, unidentified sounds, disembodied voices (especially a multitude of voices in bursts), increased EMF, dramatic temperature fluctuations, ringing sounds or high pitched sounds, equipment malfunction, visual disturbances (lights, shadows) and more.

*Possibly has entities that were never human be sighted or experienced. (i.e., elementals, aliens, cryptids, etc.)

While this  isn't a comprehensive list, it is a list that correlates others perception and points of view on portals and our documented cases through the years. We welcome additional insight into others experiences with portals. Note: There are ways to clear or close portals, however that is not in our wheelhouse currently. It is a subject that I am researching closely!

Rebecca Boyer


Antietam Paranormal Society 


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