The Haunted Home: A Guide for the Client

If you are experiencing potential paranormal phenomena, start a journal. When you experience something you cannot explain write down the date, the time it occurred, how long it lasted, the area it occurred, detailed information on the experience, items that may have been involved, percipient(s) (individuals that experienced the phenomena and those who were in the location/home at the time), and any feelings that were present at the time. Taking the time to make notes such as these when the experience is fresh will allow you to go back at a later time and reevaluate the experience. Sometimes when you experience something you can't immediately explain, it causes fear and stress which can cloud your critical thinking. We have had many clients and individuals in the past that have been able to explain the occurrence with a natural event they had not considered at the time. Additionally if no immediate answer to what could have caused the the phenomena is discovered, it can help build a detailed case file for anyone that would be called in to the location/ home to help.

I never advise clients to communicate with spirits in their home at the onset of potential paranormal phenomena. Sometimes communication can increase their activity and depending on your intentions or emotions, it can also have the opposite effect than what you intended. There also may be a higher chance that you become too focused on the potential of the paranormal phenomena, an obsession is possible and it can be detrimental for mental, emotional, and physical health. If at any time however if you feel threatened or uncomfortable we do recommend saying just a few words to establish boundaries. "I know you are there. This is my home. You are welcome to stay, however please leave me and my family alone." Now again, this can go several ways, but in most cases we have found that it has settled the activity drastically. If this does not help and you are concerned; consult either a paranormal team, shamanic healer, spiritual healer, or religious representative. Whether these individuals do extensive investigation, ritual, or give you a peace of mind, it can help your particular case.

If you want to find a paranormal group to help you in your home please make sure to research them closely. A.P.S. does background checks into all of our investigators/members (we check for criminal history, sex offender lists, character references and more). Check social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Twitter and You Tube to see their videos, pictures, and past investigations. Make sure that the team you choose has beliefs that line up with yours and do not do any sketchy rituals or ceremonies. Keep an eye on how they present past investigations and publicize information about their cases. Private Residence cases should always be kept confidential and teams should not be charging for their services. (Paranormal investigation and everything that is comprised with our knowledge is theory or learned experience. We can only give our educated opinion on your particular case however nothing is proven in the paranormal field. Beware of anyone giving you an outlandish conclusion to your particular case which isn't in line with your experiences. The worst case scenario is usually that we do not find anything to support your claims and require a second investigation.)

If you contact a paranormal team there are probably going to be a few questions or you may even be asked to fill out a form. Make sure you give the team has access to your journal experiences to help them to plan a safe and informative way to do the investigation. They may ask questions about when the home was built, the history, any renovations that have been done, whether you have antiques or second hand items, how many people who live in the home and their information, whether you have pets, whether there are any mental health or drug related concerns, and they may have questions about the activity itself. I will reiterate a lot of this information is delicate and as such make sure that they have a good confidentiality agreement or NDA prepared. But remember, paranormal investigators or teams are not medical professionals (even if they are, it's not the time or the place). If you have a valid medical/ mental health or addiction concern, please consult a medical practitioner first to get you on the road to a healthier life. I know you may think that we will solve your issues but there are times that these concerns are the direct cause of the phenomena. 

What types of things could potentially be paranormal? 
*Cold spots, drafts, or breezes with no natural entry point.
*Mists, shadows, or other visual anomalies.
*Disembodied voices, music, or other sounds with no natural explanation.
*Unexplained smells like perfume, cigars, cigarettes, flowers, or even bad smells like something rotten.
*Objects being moved like doors opening and closing, faucets being turned on, or objects being thrown.
*Strange unnatural feelings that appear with no natural explanation and where no mental health issue or drug is the cause. Euphoria, anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, etc
*Full bodied apparitions, which are full figures that may seem real or transparent but have describable details like clothing facial features, or more.
*Shadow figures or anomalies. These can look like a humanoid figure, animal, or thing that may walk upright, on all fours, or both.
*Physically touched or pushed in some way with no identifiable reason.
*Lights blowing or flickering, electronic malfunctions, or more. 

Our team has a criteria to be met before we investigate claims of the paranormal. In most cases we will only take a case that exhibits visual and audible anomalies. We do not investigate cases that the client has only captured orbs or other anomalies on video or photograph. There are very valid reasons for our cases to have this criteria which are beneficial to the client and the spirits in the home/ location.

While many things can be explained sometimes it helps to have someone out there that understands. In many cases spirits are attempting to communicate with the living and mean no harm, however depending on the spirit, communication or lack of communication can increase the activity. Remember that if someone was nasty in life they will be nasty in the afterlife. It does not mean that they qualify as demonic or evil. There are cases where people within the home have no idea of their energy or what they are capable of and as such can be the catalyst to a "haunt" or even the reason others in the home may feel uncomfortable or upset. There may be cases we as investigators cannot help with and as such we will refer out to a shamanic healer, spiritual healer or a religious representative.

Make sure you clearly define your goals for anyone coming to help you with your particular case of paranormal phenomena. Do you want to know what is in your home? In many cases paranormal teams exist to simply document and share their findings to help you answer this question. This can be one of the simplest and most rewarding experiences. Do you want to get them to stop? Sometimes finding the answers of the who, can in turn give the answer to what you can do to help them. Maybe you have a heirloom they want moved or maybe they just want to tell you something. Setting boundaries with your invisible residents can be the most helpful way to neutralize the activity. (Note: Be careful when using herbs or rituals when attempting to cleanse your space. Intention is important and not all spirits react in a positive way to these types of rituals.) Do you want spirits to be removed? I personally am a firm advocate of not removing or "moving spirits on". These spirits are there for a reason and the best choice is to determine why they are there to help them. If their reasons for being in your home are not completed, what happens to their soul? I don't agree with removing spirits at all. Be careful when someone say that they can do this, not only can it alert other spirits or things to your home, but in most cases these spirits return. There is no cure all for this. Additionally if your "haunting" is due to a living agent in the home, there will need to be a certain practitioner or even a psychic medium necessary to help the individual learn to control their psychokinetic abilities. 

Antietam Paranormal Society has long been a paranormal team with a strong background in documenting paranormal experiences and helping to validate our clients claims. This does not mean we seek to assure validation, we seek to find answers whether it is to recreate the events naturally or document experiences that support their claims. We strive for this aspect of our experience to be unparalleled and leave cleansings, blessings, and other forms of spiritual help to individuals that make these rituals their work.

Rebecca Boyer
Co-Founder/ Case Manager
Antietam Paranormal Society


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