The Path to Spiritual Protection

Paranormal investigation and research for me straddles a line of logic and intuition. I firmly believe that my call to investigate the paranormal was in preparation for the spiritual journey that I was destined to face. My spiritual journey has enlightened me on the more metaphysical part of the paranormal and in turn has opened a doorway of understanding that I would have never had before. While I would love to share all of it, I am only addressing the spiritual protection that you may need to do paranormal investigation or if you are dealing with the paranormal.

I cannot express enough that if your physical, emotional, and mental energy are not up to snuff; you need to stay home. The aura is an energy field that radiates out from our bodies and each layer of the aura represents different parts of us. If our energy is out there and can be read by other energetic beings; they may be attracted to us or they may be repelled by us. Think of the things you may be dealing with that you aren't resolving, are they out there in your aura telling on you? Could these potentially destroy your investigation by repelling the very spirits you wish to communicate with? Do they potentially make you a target for unwanted attention because you are vulnerable? One time I posted a warning about making sure you are prepared in this way and a woman laughed it off. I get that it may seem silly, but it's silly until you have an attachment because you didn't adequately prepare yourself. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat a meal that isn't going to kick your ass all night, and make sure you do some spiritual exercises to calm the mind and emotions. If you are unwell, stay home.

For many years people thought that meditation was too woo-woo to be taken seriously. But it really is one of the most simple and miraculous exercises. Meditation has been shown to improve physical, mental and emotional health. The old fashion way to meditate is to find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and clear the mind. I find that good meditation doesn't "clear the mind", but rather it forces you to learn to control the mind. There are thousands of really great guided meditations on You Tube that I would recommend to for beginners, start with bed time meditations and go from there. My personal favorite are meditations in any type of water or out in the grass, there you can ground yourself as well. Grounding is a way to bring your energy back to earth and connect to the healing of Earth's energy. You can do something called Earthing where you walk barefoot outside collecting all that great energy. This is proven, just google Earthing. If you cannot go outside for weather reasons, there are also guided meditations that can help you ground. Each of these will improve your well being in preparation for your investigation, but there are a few things to know. If you cannot meditate for any reason I recommend finding a hobby that you can hyperfocus on, for example I do photography. When you meditate in most cases you are going to be focused on your breathing, a sound, or a mental image. Finding a hobby to focus on that calms and relaxes you can be just as rewarding as meditation. Photography for me allowed me to be outside in nature, grounding and meditating with my camera. I was a life saver for many reasons. All of these also helped in my own psychic development and intuition through the years.

Many people use prayer or intentional rituals in an attempt to obtain a certain outcome in any given situation. You can pray for protection, call to Archangel Michael, or have a ritual that you perform with intentional words; each of these offer a level of protection when you go investigate the paranormal or when you have finished. Whether you believe it or not, a lot of people create a shield of protection that prohibits anything from harming them in any way. But what other methods can prevent spirit attachment or harm?

Shielding is an intentional method of creating a protective layer over you and your aura. In most cases it involves visualization that resonates with you, however it is imperative that your intentions are pure and that you believe. Most new age articles give the example of imagining a white light surrounding you, swirling and protecting your energy. I have used a lot of different things through the years; a book opening and closing, a steel gate surrounding me, brick walls, and more. I think it depends on your particular need for shielding. As a person with extrasensory perception I want to be shielded but I also want to be able to connect. I don't need to visualize any longer because my shield is an energetic muscle I have developed over many years and it just goes up when needed, but if I do need to do some intentional shielding, it will be like cheesecloth. It's protective but it allows for some things to filter through when I need to connect. Beware however, if you are unsure or doubtful of your capabilities you can throw up a shield that is hard to bring back down. 

There are a lot of items out there that are said to protect you and your energy. Crystals, figures, rituals, candles, the cross, and medallions. In every case it has to resonate with you. If prayer and the cross are what aligns with your soul, use them. If you value crystals, grab a black tourmaline, hematite or Apache's Tears to keep with you for protection. Have a specific figure like Archangel Michael that speaks to you? Find a medallion with their image or symbol. There are many cultures or spiritual figures that may resonate, find your specific talisman to carry. Remember though, you need to speak your intention to these items, they don't just work. 

While some people may just be able to go out and investigate the paranormal with little to no protection, there are some that are more spiritual than others. I personally find the ones that don't use any protection (*insert laugh*) are probably the most skeptical about anything paranormal and any metaphysical philosophy. You need to do what works for you and I assure you, many people have done all of these things for protection and it has worked. Notes: Spiritual protection isn't just for ghosts or spirits, it can be for other people as well. Do some research on psychic protection or protecting your aura. There are many resources out there to build on this topic, these are just the ones that are streamlined for the beginner. 


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